Monday, June 22, 2009

Girls weekend

Every year my girlfriends from Wisconsin and I get together for the weekend....ok, a long weekend...and it's so great to see them and catch up. Most of us have moved away from Wisconsin, so it's even more fun to get together since it's usually only once a year we get to see each other (although maybe this year there will be a wedding?!)... This is our seventh year getting together, and we rented a beach house in Folly Beach, right outside Charleston. We spent most of the weekend laying at the beach or pool and relaxing, and lots of drinking (too much drinking for me, I am out of practice!). We did manage to get to Charleston one morning for sight-seeing. I had never been to Charleston before, and it was a cool city - we hit the Farmers Market and the Market Street Shops. And of course a cocktail before heading back to the house and hitting the beach again. Destination is still TBD for next year, but I know it'll be a great time, and I can't wait to see my girls again! The photo to the left was taken in Charleston (front to back): Katie, Leah, Emily, Susi, me, Kristi and Iris)

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