Sunday, June 28, 2009

Keira turns 3!

Hard to believe our baby girl is already three! We had a weekend-long celebration for her birthday, which also fell on Father's Day this year. Saturday morning I made her a special birthday breakfast (pancakes, one of her favorites!). Saturday afternoon we had a party at our neighborhood pool, and invited a few of her friends. She had a great time swimming. Keira is a huge Dora fan, and her favorite episode is the one with Turtle River, so she also now loves turtles. We combined her two favorites by doing a Dora themed birthday party with turtle cupcakes.

After the pool party, we headed back to our house and had a family dinner with Regan/Indie, Gramps/Grammy and Oma/Pop-pop. Pizza, more presents, more happy birthday singing, and a turtle cake. Keira had a great birthday, and thank you to everyone for making it so special! (and a special thanks to Oma for doing all of the piping on the turtle cake/cupcakes!!)

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